Review A Review of Recent Progress in Efficiency-Power Correlations of Silicon Hetero-Junction Solar Cells
Review: Efficiency-Power Correlations of Solar Cells
Solar technology is widely used to generate the electricity. It is fundamental p-n junction that supplies the emf whenever sunlight falls on it. A lot of efforts have been incremented by inserting the impurity level in the semiconductor band gap to enhance the efficiency of the solar cells. Copper zinc tin sulphide (Cu2ZnSnS4) devices are the highly stable and efficient part for the most fundamental of many solar cells. Cadmium (Cd) doping is carried out to enhance the efficiency of CZTS. Cadmium sulphide (CdS) consists of band gap that is 2.4 eV. Ternary organic solar cells attract the researchers interest level due to the best absorbing capacity that is much easier to handle but the exclusive difficulty in dealing with its morphology. Thin film solar cells have greater coefficient of absorption because of its high functioning and have band gap value in the range between 1.5 and 1.0 eV. Solar cells consists of chalcopyrite on a polyimide film that demonstrates the largest cell efficiency approximately 18.7%.