Call For Papers

Pakistan Journal of Scientific and Industrial Research (PJSIR) is the premier research journal of Pakistan and has been publishing for the last 63 years, comprising of original research papers in the fields of Physical and Biological Sciences. Since January 2011, the Journal has been bifurcated and now published bimonthly i.e. 6 issues in a year in Two Series as follows:

  • Series A: Physical Sciences (appearing as issues of January-April, May-August and SeptemberDecember) including articles of
    Natural Sciences,
    Organic Chemistry,
    Inorganic Chemistry,
    Industrial Chemistry,
    Pharmaceutical Sciences,
    Environmental Sciences,
    Physical Sciences,
    Polymer Sciences
    and Nano-Technology etc.


PJSIR is an interdisciplinary open access peer-reviewed refereed journal and complies with the International Standards and ethics of scientific community.

We publish original primary research Articles/Review papers related to Physical Sciences, Biological Sciences and Technology. However, we do not entertain articles of Pure Mathematics, Computer Sciences, Social Sciences and Pure Medical Sciences. You may send it via e-mail as well as through our website


Please submit your research papers for upcoming volume 64 of PJSIR for the year 2021.