Techno-Economic Analysis of Green Construction Regulations Plus Survey for Prototype Implementation in Karachi

Review: Techno-Economic Analysis in Karachi

  • Muhammad Imran Majid Department of Electrical Engineering, Institute of Business Management, Korangi Creek, Karachi, Pakistan
  • Muhammad Ibrahim Khan College of Engineering & Sciences, Institute of Business Management, Korangi Creek, Karachi, Pakistan
Keywords: GB (green building), greenhouse gas, sustainable design, energy efficient building, construction industry, climate change



Conventional buildings consume large amounts of energy and are the source of greenhouse gas emissions contributing to climate change. The shortage of green buildings in Pakistan have been said to be due to shortage of knowledge of the benefits of essential green building materials and the absence of  a regulatory framework. The study is qualitative and quantitative and is divided into two parts. This review paper focuses on awareness in the Pakistan's local construction market concerning green buildings through a survey questionnaire. Data collection procedure consists of 60 questionnaires related to green building construction awareness and priorities within Karachi's construction sector. Also, a focus group and personal interviews conducted with at least 5 professionals working in local construction projects are analyzed. The research questions formed from detailed literature review were analyzed and found that energy conservation, environmental/resource conservation and improving indoor environmental quality are major driving factors for green building development. Similarly, there is a lack of knowledge of green construction methods and regulations and lack of support from the government. This has been found as the major barrier in going towards green construction. We recommend policy directions towards this end and elaborate points of concern to the authorities.


