Solar De-salination of Water
De-salination of Water
Water is one of the most vital substances on Earth. Sustainment of life on this planet depends greatly on the availability of water. Water consumption is used not only for drinking but for purposes like agricultural irrigation, industrial raw material and domestic household purposes. Hence, the quality of water is an important matter. Solar de-salination is a technique that uses the Sun's radiant energy to de- salinate water. Due to its energy requirement, de-salinating seawater is generally more costly than freshwater, water obtained through bore wells also called Brackish water from rivers or groundwater. However, these sources may not be available in most of the places, like barren lands or may not be easily extractable, maybe even not a sustainable long term solution. The technique selected based on the evapouration and condensation rates to increase the efficiency, one must implement measures to enhance the evapouration and condensation rates of the capability. De-salination is a costly process majorly depending on its high energy requirements when as input power the whole system of de-salination either as fuel and electricity, following the century old traditions, modern day engineers have come up with a solution of harvesting the Sun's energy, hence the advent of solar de-salination of water.