Perception of Health Care Workers About Medical Waste Management Based on KAP Analysis. A Case Study of Tertiary Care Hospital Lahore, Pakistan
Case Study of Tertiary Care
Medical waste management based on knowledge, attitude and practices (KAP) analysis, this paper evaluates healthcare of employees. A tertiary care hospital located in Lahore was selected for this purpose. The present studys consisted of doctors, nurses and paramedical and janitorial staff. Self administered assessments were used in this statistical cross-sectional investigation. Descriptive and inferential statistics were used to describe the results of sample of employee. A sample of 248 healthcare workers was drawn and analyzed by using descriptive statistics to check the respondents quantity and the proportion of responses about understanding, mindset and practice regarding managing biological waste. The Chi-square test and ANOVA test were applied to the data. For discovering, an independent sample t-test was used for the attitude of hospital employees and concluded that P (0.000) is far less than the degree of evidence (0.05) and a P-value compared with fewer than 0.05 and it is statistically significant. It indicates substantial evidence against the null hypothesis since there is a 5% chance that the null hypothesis is incorrect (and the outcomes are random). As a result, we reject the null hypothesis and accept the alternative hypothesis. It concludes that there is a difference between gender and attitude toward healthcare workers perception of medical waste management. Females have a better and more positive attitude toward medical waste management than male employees. The Chi-square method was conducted to test the association between respondents education and knowledge about medical waste management. The P (0.000) value is less than the significance level of significance a (0.05), which mean there is no association between education and understanding of medical waste management. One way ANOVA test was applied to find out the significant difference between respondents experience and healthcare sewage treatment in theory and practice as the P > a value of (0.230) is greater than just the significant level (0.05), indicating a substantial discrepancy experience and practice of workers about the handling of medical waste. One-way ANOVA to discover, testing was conducted on the significant difference between respondents experience and an exercise about medical waste management. The P (0.230) value is more significant than just the significance level a (0.05), meaning employees with a profession like doctors and nurses have better attitudes toward medical waste management than other hospital staff.