Yarn Imperfections Under the Variant Polyester/Cotton Blend Ratios and Delivery Speeds of Vortex Spinning Machine
Delivery Speed of Yortex Spinning Machine
Murata vortex spinning (MYS) is relatively new technology and has gained value over ring and open end spinning in the last years due to its some remarkable advantages like producing yarn with low hairiness and pilling value and good color fastness and abrasion resistance. In this system of yarn manufacturing, the optimal settings of various processing and machine variables are of utmost importance in order to produce good quality yarn. Among all factors, raw material and yarn delivery speed play significant role. The present work endeavored to investigate the impact of various delivery speeds of MYS machine and polyester/cotton (P/C) blends upon the quality of yarn. In this regard seven different P/C blends and four variant delivery speed of the MYS machine were practiced and their impact on yarn imperfections were analyzed. The results sdisclosed very significant effects of all the selected variables on yarn imperfections.